DD Grout Plugs
Grouter Mk4 (green) now available in NQ and HQ.
- diamond drill and development jumbo installation
- Optional Mk4R (red) can be remotely opened
The highest pressure and load rated diamond drilling plugs available.
Intellectual Property
DD Grout Plugs invented, developed and filed a patent application for this family of products in late 2014 for the following regions and countries;
Australia 2014376126
ARIPO (Tanzania, Ghana, Zambia) AP/P/2016/009330
Canada 2935386
Eurasia (Russia, Kazakhstan) 201691372
Europe 14877624.8
Indonesia P-00201605136
Mexico MX/a/2016/009153
New Zealand 721749
Philippines 1-2016-501372
South Africa 2016/04598
USA 15/110,322
Argentina P15 01 00037
See our News section for more details.
For blast holes and other percussion drilled holes, please see our sister business Underground Stemming:
About Us
Jeff Phillips
Mining Engineer, Business Owner and Inventor.
B. Eng (Mining), B. Econs, B. Commerce (Finance), M. AusIMM.
Jeff Phillips has 30 years mining industry experience, and holds a West Australian First Class Mine Manager's Certificate of Competency. The DD Grout Plugs products were brought to market with the aim of providing simple, effective and easy to use products to improve mining productivity and reduce overall cost. Jeff holds a number of patents and patent applications on this and other products.
Jeff is a Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (Aus IMM).